
We have positions open for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Please contact Celeste directly (celesten AT for more information. Applicants for the postdoc positions are directed to apply online.

May 2024:  Jake, Kylie, Safiya, and Aria graduate from Princeton. Congratulations to the class of 2024!

May 2024:  Samhita wins an award for mentoring undergraduate students in the lab - congratulations!   

May 2024:  New postdoctoral fellow Kim Dao joins the group - welcome Kim!

April 2024:   Molly defends her thesis in front of a packed crowd of colleagues, friends, and family. Congratulations Dr. Brennan!

September 2023:  New research associate Anna Liu joins the group - welcome Anna!

August 2023: Niles Huang joins the group as a new Ph.D. student - welcome Niles! 

August 2023: New postdoctoral fellow Bridget Waas joins the group - welcome Bridget! 

July 2023: New lab manager Phoebe Marshall joins the group - welcome Phoebe!

July 2023: Samhita is awarded a Life Sciences Research Fellowship - congratulations Samhita!

June 2023: Diana, Sonia, Jasmine, Aria, and Safiya join us for summer research! The lab is a booming place!

May 2023: Bharvi, Nelson, and Trishala graduate from Princeton. Nelson wins the Senior Thesis Prize in Global Health and Health Policy. Congratulations to the class of 2023!

May 2023: New research associate Kaleb Hill joins the group - welcome Kaleb!

April 2023: Evelyn wins two teaching awards for her excellent assistance in instruction. Congratulations Evelyn!

April 2023: Carolina is awarded one of only 3 Damon Runyon Quantitative Biology Postdoctoral Fellowships! Congrats Carolina!

April 2023: New postdoctoral fellow Chan Jin Park joins the group - welcome Chan Jin!

February 2023: Payam defends his thesis to a packed crowd. Congratulations Dr. Farahani!

December 2022: Sarah defends her thesis in person and over zoom. Congratulations Dr. Paramore!

October 2022: Our group is honored to be recognized with the NIH Director's Pioneer Award - cool new science, here we come!

October 2022: Celeste is honored to give the Van C. Mow Distinguished Lecture to the BME department at Columbia!

September 2022: Our group turns 15 years old - happy birthday group!

August 2022: An era comes to an end - Katie defends her thesis and wows the crowd. Congratulations Dr. Goodwin!

June 2022: New postdoctoral fellow Aaron Griffing joins the group - welcome Aaron!

May 2022: Adam, Jimi, Sophia, and Katherine graduate from Princeton. Congratulations to the class of 2022!

April 2022: The group welcomes new postdoctoral fellows Samhita Banavar and Pengei Zhang!

March 2022: The group welcomes new postdoctoral fellow Eric Fowler!

December 2021: Evelyn Navarro Salazar joins the group as a new PhD student - welcome Evelyn!

November 2021: The group welcomes new research associate Tevyur Mosley!

September 2021: The group welcomes new postdoctoral fellows Carolina Trenado Yuste and Bez Lemma!

August 2021: Michael and Jacob defend their theses in person and over zoom. Congratulations Dr. Palmer and Dr. Jaslove!

July 2021: Maryam Kohram joins the group as a CPBF Postdoctoral Fellow - welcome Maryam!

June 2021: Molly is awarded a fellowship from the New Jersey Commission on Cancer Research - congratulations Molly!

June 2021: Katherine, Sophia, Adam, and Jimi join the group as senior thesis students. Welcome to all!

May 2021: Emann, Albert, and Chantal graduate from Princeton. Congratulations to the class of 2021!

May 2021: Emann defends her thesis in front of colleagues, family, and friends over zoom. Congratulations Dr. Rabie! Good luck in medical school!

April 2021: Sarah is awarded an NIH NRSA F31 Fellowship. Congratulations Sarah!

April 2021: Sandra is awarded a Walter Benjamin Fellowship from the DFG. Congratulations Sandra!

March 2021: Double good news -- Katie is awarded both the American Heart Association (AHA) Predoctoral Fellowship and the Procter Honorific Fellowship, all in a 24-hour period. Congratulations Katie!

March 2021: Daniel is awarded an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Congratulations Daniel!

March 2021: Bryan gives a beautiful presentation in defense of his thesis. Congratulations Dr. Nerger!

January 2021: Bryan is awarded an Organ Design and Engineering Postdoctoral Fellowship (and he's not even a postdoc yet!) -- congratulations Bryan!

January 2021: Michael is awarded an Emerging Research Organisms Grant from the Society for Developmental Biology. Congratulations Michael!

October 2020: Brian electrifies the audience with her thesis defense. Congratulations Dr. Silver!

September 2020: Susan is awarded a postdoctoral fellowship through the New Jersey Alliance for Clinical and Translational Science (NJ ACTS). Congratulations Susan!

May 2020: Alisya, Rawli, and Niroshan graduate from Princeton. Rawli wins the Merck Outstanding Senior Thesis Award and Niroshan wins the Overall Excellence in Chemical Engineering Award. Congratulations to the class of 2020!

May 2020: Alisya defends her thesis to an international crowd over zoom. Congratulations Dr. Anlas!

January 2020: Our group's work is featured in two articles in Knowable Magazine!

January 2020: Nihan is awarded a postdoctoral fellowship from the NJCCR. Congratulations Nihan!

January 2020: The group welcomes new first-year PhD student Daniel Alber!

October 2019: The group returns from presenting a record (for us) 15 abstracts at the fantastic BMES annual meeting in Philadelphia, where Bryan received a career development award and Celeste presented the BMES Mid-Career lecture.

September 2019: Sandra Lemke joins the group as our newest postdoctoral fellow!

June 2019: Siyang, Sarah M., and Nathan graduate from Princeton!

May 2019: Emann is awarded an NIH F30 predoctoral fellowship and Katie is awarded a predoctoral fellowship from the Canadian Federation of University Women. Congratulations Emann and Katie!

May 2019: The group welcomes new postdoctoral fellow Susan Leggett!

March 2019: Emann and Katie are awarded predoctoral fellowships from the NJCCR and NSERC, respectively. Congratulations!

January 2019: Siyang defends her thesis in front of a packed room of friends and colleagues. Congratulations Dr. Han!

January 2019: First-year PhD student Molly Brennan joins the group - welcome Molly!

August 2018: The group welcomes new postdoctoral fellow Aswin Sundarakrishnan!

July 2018: The group welcomes new postdoctoral fellow Nihan Kilinc. Welcome to Princeton Nihan!

June 2018: The group welcomes summer researchers Destiny Batton and Gary Zhao, and MD/PhD rotation student Jake Siebert!

June 2018: Mike, Allison, Arthur, and Allyson graduate from Princeton. Congratulations to our *18 and '18 alumni!

May 2018: We are grateful to the Blavatnik Foundation for naming Celeste a 2018 Blavatnik National Finalist.

May 2018: Mike and Allison successfully defend their theses. Congratulations Dr. Siedlik and Dr. Simi!

May 2018: Two papers in one day! Allison's study on multinucleation is featured on the cover of Cancer Research, and Siyang's work on ILK gets both a "Research Highlight" and "First Person" feature in Journal of Cell Science. Bravo everyone!

April 2018: The group welcomes Nathan Bolanos and Sarah Mathew, who will be conducting their senior theses in the lab. Welcome Nathan and Sarah!

April 2018: The group welcomes new PhD student Sarah Paramore, who joins us in a collaboration with Danelle Devenport's lab. Welcome Sarah!

April 2018: Andreas is awarded a postdoctoral fellowship from the New Jersey Commission on Cancer Research. Congratulations Andreas!

January 2018: Our microfluidic chest cavity paper is featured on Princeton's website!

January 2018: First-year PhD student Payam Farahani joins the group in a collaboration with Jared Toettcher's lab. Welcome Payam!

November 2017: Bryan wins the AIChE Division 15 Oral Presentation Award for his talk at the 2017 Annual Meeting. Congratulations Bryan!

October 2017: The group welcomes new postdoctoral fellow, Andreas Kourouklis. Welcome to Princeton Andreas!

September 2017: The tissue morphodynamics group turns 10 years old! Over the past decade, we have graduated 7 postdocs, 5 PhD students, and 34 senior thesis students. The group has published 86 manuscripts and >150 conference abstracts, and raised >$14M in research funding to solve problems in congenital defects and cancer. Happy birthday group! Congratulations on all your accomplishments!

September 2017: Katie leaves the group briefly and returns as a new PhD student in Quantitative and Computational Biology (QCB). Welcome to graduate school Katie!

August 2017: Alex and Bryan's matrix alignment paper is featured on the cover of Biophysical Journal. Awesome!

July 2017: Jacob is awarded an NIH F30 predoctoral fellowship and Bryan is awarded a postgraduate scholarship from NSERC. Congratulations Jacob and Bryan!

June 2017: Allison's work is profiled on Princeton's website. Great work Allison!

June 2017: Caitlin, Lili, Shiyi, and Anastasia graduate from Princeton - congratulations class of 2017!

May 2017: Celeste is named a Finalist for the Blavatnik National Award for Young Scientists in Life Sciences. Which suggests that youth is entirely relative...

April 2017: The lab is on a roll... Mike is awarded the Wallace Memorial Honorific Fellowship to support his final year at Princeton. Congratulations Mike!

March 2017: Brian is awarded an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Congratulations Brian!

March 2017: James is awarded an NIH F32 postdoctoral fellowship and Alisya wins a predoctoral fellowship from the NJCCR. Congratulations to James and Alisya!

January 2017: The group welcomes new PhD students Lena Barrett and Michael Palmer, and new undergraduate student Allyson Brown. Welcome to the lab!

September 2016: Celeste is chosen as an HHMI Faculty Scholar.

September 2016: Mei-Fong's work on the tumor microenvironment is highlighted on the Princeton University webpage. Congratulations Mei-Fong!

September 2016: Sherry joins the group as a Research Specialist. Welcome Sherry!

June 2016: Panos joins the group as a high school student researcher for the summer as part of Princeton's Laboratory Learning Program. Welcome Panos!

June 2016: Summer is always a busy time in the group. We have several new undergraduate researchers: Lili, Anastasia, Arthur, and Michael. Katie Goodwin is also joining us as a Research Specialist, and Brian Silver is joining the group as a new PhD student - welcome everyone!

May 2016: Alex gets hooded and Divya, Sahana, Daniel, Danny, and Ben graduate from Princeton! Congratulations to the class of 2016 -- we're proud of you!

May 2016: Alex defends her thesis before a large crowd of colleagues, friends, and family! Congratulations Dr. Piotrowski-Daspit!

January 2016: Allison and Mei-Fong are awarded predoctoral and postdoctoral fellowships, respectively, from the New Jersey Commission on Cancer Research. Congratulations!

January 2016: The group welcomes new PhD students, Bryan Nerger and Avi Wolf. Welcome to the lab!

October 2015: New undergraduate researcher Shiyi Li joins the group. Welcome Shiyi!

September 2015: The group welcomes Suifen Lyu, our new Research Specialist!

July 2015: New postdoctoral fellow James Spurlin joins the group. Welcome James!

June 2015: High school student researchers Ares and Lily join the group for the summer, along with "veteran" high schooler Tiffaney. Welcome (back)!

June 2015: New undergraduate researchers Joe Rummaneethorn and Miguel Torres join the group for the summer -- welcome!

June 2015: Adrija, Dror, Lisa, and Vincent graduate from Princeton. Dror is awarded the Richard K. Toner Thermodynamics Prize and Adrija wins the Merck & Co. senior thesis award from the CBE department. Congratulations class of 2015!

May2015: Alex is awarded the Charlotte Elizabeth Procter Honorific Fellowship, which will support her 5th year of graduate study. Congratulations Alex!

April 2015: Alex is selected for a 2015 Teaching Award for her work in MOL 215. Congratulations Alex!

January 2015: John McNeil joins the group for his senior thesis work. Welcome John!

January 2015: Ben wins the Computer Science Department Best Poster Award for his junior independent work. Congratulations Ben!

January 2015: The group welcomes new first-year CBE graduate student, Alisya Anlas. Welcome Alisya!

September 2014: The group welcomes new postdoctoral fellow, Adam Navis. Welcome Adam!

August 2014: Molecular Biology graduate student, Siyang Han, joins the lab. Welcome Siyang!

August 2014: Jason leaves to start his position as Assistant Professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Delaware. Good luck, Jason!

June 2014: The group bids a fond farewell to Amira, who is moving to Milwaukee. During Amira's tenure as "lab manager extraordinaire", the group trained 4 Ph.D. students, 4 postdoctoral fellows, 31 undergraduate students, and 8 high school student researchers, and published 61 papers! We'll miss you Amira!

June 2014: Samantha, Siu-Yuan, and Jason A. graduate from Princeton. Siu-Yuan is recognized with the Ernest F. Johnson Distinguished Service Award. Eline and Sriram receive their doctoral hoods. Congratulations to the class of 2014!

June 2014: Celeste is honored with the 2014 SEAS Distinguished Teacher Award.

May 2014: Summer is a high-energy time in the lab! The group welcomes a record 11 undergraduate and 4 high school student researchers for summer 2014! See the "people" and "outreach" pages for their pictures.

May 2014: Celeste returns from a great visit with Alex Dunn and colleagues at Stanford. One highlight was seeing group alumna, Maya Anjur-Dietrich, who is a rising senior majoring in bioengineering! Maya spent two summers with us as a high school student. It's amazing how time flies!

May 2014: Mei Fong is awarded a postdoctoral fellowship from the Swedish Society for Medical Research (SSMF). Congratulations Mei Fong!

March 2014: Nikolce's 2010 paper in Integrative Biology is the second most highly cited paper in the journal. Congratulations Nikolce!

February 2014: The group welcomes new undergraduate student researchers, Sahana Jayaraman and Lisa Kojima to the lab! Welcome Sahana and Lisa!

February 2014: Eline defends her thesis. Congratulations Dr. Boghaert!

January 2014: The group welcomes new senior thesis student, Danny Thomson, to the lab. Welcome Danny!

December 2013: Sriram defends his thesis. Congratulations Dr. Manivannan!

July 2013: First-year molecular biology graduate student Dena Oravsky joins the lab. Welcome Dena!

July 2013: The group welcomes new high school researcher, Chris Chu!

June 2013: Choose Development! fellow Chibuzo Anojulu joins the lab. Welcome Chibuzo!

June 2013: High school researcher Daniel Chang joins the lab. Welcome Daniel!

June 2013: Kyle, Alice, Alyssa, and Hannah graduate from Princeton. Alice wins the Merck Outstanding Senior Thesis Award! Congratulations class of 2013!

May 2013: Our work is included in the Princeton Art of Science 2013 competition, and featured on NBC News!

May 2013: Kyle defends his thesis. Congratulations Dr. Chen!

May 2013: The group welcomes new postdoctoral fellow, Mei Fong Pang!

April 2013: Victor participates in the Society for Developmental Biology (SDB) Choose Development! mentoring workshop at Woods Hole. We're looking forward to welcoming our new SDB fellow this summer.

April 2013: Alice wins second place in the paper competition at the AIChE regional meeting. Congratulations Alice!

March 2013: Mike is awarded a Graduate Research Fellowship from the National Science Foundation. Congratulations Mike!

February 2013: We've moved to new space in the Hoyt Laboratory. Check out our beautiful new digs!

February 2013: The group welcomes new undergraduate student, Ben Spar!

February 2013: The group welcomes new junior project student, Elen Miteva!

January 2013: The group welcomes new senior thesis student, Tess O'Meara!

January 2013: The group welcomes new first-year graduate students, Mike Siedlik and Allison Simi!

January 2013: Jason's work is profiled by the office of the Dean for Research. Congratulations Jason!

October 2012: KangAe's paper is featured on the cover of Molecular Biology of the Cell and highlighted by the editorial board. Congratulations KangAe!

September 2012: The group welcomes Alyssa, Alice, and Hannah back as senior thesis students.

June 2012: Ada, Andrea, Sarah, and Jacquelyn graduate from Princeton. Congratulations to the class of 2012!

May 2012: Celeste is named a Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar.

May 2012: Nikolce successfully defends his thesis. Congratulations Dr. Gjorevski!

April 2012: Celeste is promoted to Associate Professor with tenure, effective July 1st.

February 2012: Celeste is recognized as one of New Jersey's 20 "biggest brains" by Inside Jersey Magazine.

January 2012: The group welcomes new postdoctoral fellow, Victor Varner!

January 2012: Our work is described in the latest version of Princeton's Equad News.

January 2012: The group welcomes new graduate student, Alexandra Piotrowski!

December 2011: The group welcomes new undergraduate researcher, Alexander Judge!

November 2011: As featured in The New York Times, an image from our group's research activities is featured in Princeton's Art of Science competition. The gallery is available online.

September 2011: The group welcomes new undergraduate researchers, Samantha Halpern and Alice Stanton!

September 2011: The group welcomes new senior thesis students, Sarah Hom, Andrea Oliva, and Adaeze Undieh!

July 2011: We have doubly good news! Eline is awarded a Graduate Student Research Award from the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES). And Cecillia is awarded an Undergraduate Research Award from BMES for her thesis work. Eline and Cecillia will present their work at the national meeting in Hartford in October. Congratulations!

July 2011: The group welcomes new postdoctoral fellow, Hye Young Kim!

July 2011: Celeste is to be recognized by the AIChE with the 2011 Allan P. Colburn Award for Excellence in Publications by a Young Member of the Institute.

June 2011: New REU student Rachel Roesch joins the lab. Welcome Rachel!

May 2011: Cecillia, Neal, and Vanessa graduate from Princeton! Cecillia wins the Ticona Senior Thesis Award. Congratulations!

May 2011: Alyssa Mancini, Shwetha Raghuraman, and Vyas Ramasubramani join the group as undergraduate researchers. Welcome Alyssa, Shwetha, and Vyas!

May 2011: The group welcomes new postdoctoral fellow, Wenting Zhu!

May 2011: Nikolce is awarded the Wallace Memorial Fellowship in Engineering for 2011-2012. This honorific fellowship recognizes "outstanding performance and professional promise". Congratulations Nikolce!

May 2011: Cecillia wins third place at the Princeton Undergraduate Research Symposium. Congratulations Cecillia!

December 2010: The group welcomes new undergraduate researcher, Jacquelyn Nestor!

October 2010: The group welcomes new postdoctoral fellow, Jason Gleghorn!

September 2010: Nikolce's paper on the mechanics of branching morphogenesis is one of the top ten accessed articles in Integrative Biology.

September 2010: The group welcomes new senior thesis students, Neal Bennett, Vanessa Goff, and Cecillia Lui!

September 2010: Esther leaves to start her own group at Penn State. Good luck Esther!

August 2010: Celeste is selected for Technology Review's 2010 TR35.

July 2010: Nikolce wins the 2010 Kristine M. Layn Award, recognizing outstanding performance by a third-year graduate student. Congratulations Nikolce!

July 2010: Nikolce wins an award for the poster he presented at the Gordon Conference on Signal Transduction by Engineered Extracellular Matrices. Congratulations Nikolce!

June 2010: The group welcomes new summer student Mala Shah to the lab!

June 2010: Josh and Andrew graduate from Princeton - congratulations!

March 2010: The group welcomes Alina Yang to the lab!

February 2010: Celeste is selected as a 2010 Sloan Fellow in Molecular Biology.

November 2009: Congratulations to Eline for receiving a predoctoral fellowship from the New Jersey Commission on Cancer Research!

October 2009: Congratulations to Josh and Andrew for receiving awards from the Rudlin and McIntosh Senior Thesis Funds!

September 2009: Jay Kwak is awarded an Undergraduate Student Research Award from the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES). Jay will present his work at the national meeting in Pittsburgh in October. Congratulations Jay!

September 2009: Andrew Sue-Ako returns to the group for his senior thesis. Welcome back Andrew!

July 2009: The group welcomes new postdoctoral fellow, KangAe Lee!

June 2009: Nadia Tsao joins the group as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome Nadia!

June 2009: The group welcomes new senior thesis student Josh Hoff!

June 2009: Celeste receives a Faculty Advancement Award from the Princeton School of Engineering and Applied Science.

June 2009: Jay and Scott graduate from Princeton! Jay is awarded the Calvin Dodd MacCracken Senior Thesis Award and the Merck Outstanding Senior Thesis Award. Scott is awarded the Ernest F. Johnson Distinguished Service Award. Congratulations to Jay and Scott!

May 2009: Cecillia Lui joins the group as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome Cecillia!

May 2009: As reported in Science magazine, images from our group's research activities are featured in Princeton's Art of Science competition.

March 2009: Congratulations to Esther Gomez for receiving postdoctoral fellowships from the New Jersey Commission on Cancer Research and Susan G. Komen for the Cure!

January 2009: The group welcomes new graduate students, Eline Boghaert, Sriram Manivannan, and Vikram Pansare!

October 2008: Congratulations to Jay and Scott for receiving awards from the Rudlin and Adler Senior Thesis Funds!

October 2008: Celeste is selected as a 2008 Packard Fellow in Science & Engineering.

October 2008: The Nelson group is profiled in Princeton Alumni Weekly (PAW).

September 2008: The group welcomes new senior thesis students, Scott Callahan and Jay Kwak!

September 2008: Professor Joe Tien from Boston University Department of Biomedical Engineering joins us on sabbatical. Welcome Joe!

July 2008: The group welcomes new rotating graduate student, Eline Boghaert!

June 2008: Andrew Sue-Ako joins the group as a Stoll Fellow. Welcome Andrew!

June 2008: Dora Chua joins the group as a Stoll Fellow. Welcome Dora!

June 2008: Katie Miller and Alex Weldon graduate from Princeton! Congratulations to Katie and Alex!

February 2008: Amira Pavlovich joins the group as a Research Specialist. Welcome Amira!

January 2008: The group welcomes new postdoctoral fellow Dr. Esther Gomez, who joins us from the University of California, Berkeley!

January 2008: The group welcomes new graduate students Nikolce Gjorevski and Kyle Chen!

November 2007: Congratulations to Katie Miller and Alex Weldon on receiving financial support from the Lidow Senior Thesis Fund!


Nelson Group, Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering, Princeton University

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